- Plum : Sugary, sensuous, and sweet. It’s a fragrance for twilight, best sprayed in the colder evening air. Your mystery ripens in its fruity tones, teasing noses.
- Vanilla : From the pods of the vanilla orchid comes this well-known, subtle, and impersonal scent that fits into any situation. It heightens a woman’s mystery.
- Gardenia : South Asia’s funnel-flowered gardenia gives up zesty, earthy, sweetening tones ideal for a woman, and exudes a creaminess reminiscent of coconut.
- Pear Blossom : This is a gentle, complementary note that subtly lies under the other base notes, inviting with its fruity, floral calm. The musk makes for great optimism!
- Sweet Magnolia : This is a fruity, citrus tone derived from the American flower of the same name. It has a mildly spicy, powdery lightness that sets the room into playful emotions.